
The importance of mobile applications in our daily lives cannot be overemphasized. These applications help millions of users across the globe by performing tasks ranging from finding directions to cooking meals and beyond. And the pandemic has made the applications more indispensable. At present, there are 2.87 million android applications and more than 1.96 million apps on the App store.
If you are still wondering why is there such a craze among companies to launch their apps, then consider this. The average adult spends about 88% of their mobile time browsing apps. To put things into perspective, that comes to an average of 3 hours daily. In some countries, the time spent is even higher. So, it goes without saying that your business too needs a robust app developed by the best mobile app development company.
Mobile Apps 2022: Which Categories Will Stay Trending?
But these tools do much more than help companies connect with customers and offer them services. Research also reveals that in 2021 companies earned $133 billion through apps released on Google Play and Appstore which is 20% higher than 2020. But, the question is with so many apps around how can you ensure that your apps grab eyeballs and generates revenue for your business?
To attract eyeballs and generate revenue, you need great apps built by the best mobile app development company in the right category. So, without much delay let’s check out the top-performing mobile app categories for 2022 and beyond.
Top Performing Mobile App Categories
Given the trends in the past couple of years, it is clear that the top-performing mobile app categories that will continue dominating the show in 2022 and beyond are-
Connectivity apps–
These apps have come to prominence with the spread of the Covid-19 pandemic. With the pandemic forcing people and businesses to adapt to social distancing, these apps help people connect. One famous example in this category is Zoom which clocked around 300 million downloads in the last year.
So, if you are looking for a category to offer an app that helps you earn revenue, it is connectivity apps. Get in touch with the best mobile app development company to offer your app in this category now.
Social media applications-
Social media apps are another category that has gained prominence in the pandemic. Facebook and Instagram are two popular apps in this category that rank in the most downloaded lists. But there is scope for new apps as well.
Connect with the best mobile app development company offering android app development services and give shape to your revolutionary social media app idea now.
Gaming is another category of application that is witnessing a massive surge of downloads in recent years. In this context, everyone knows the popularity of Pokémon Go, Candy Crush Saga, Fruit Ninja, etc. So, for ruling this category you also need a brilliant app designed and built by the best mobile app development company to keep users captivated.
Another app category that has skyrocketed in terms of popularity and downloads is entertainment. With theaters being closed for most of the year, people started consuming entertainment through entertainment apps like Netflix, HBO Max, YouTube, etc.
So, this can be another category you can be in for connecting with the audience and generating revenue. Just connect with the best mobile app development company offering the best IoS app development services and android app development services.
So, what are you waiting for? If you are yet to launch your mobile application, now is the chance. Connect with the best mobile app development company to launch your mobile app now.