
Category: Artificial Intelligence

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How AI can elevate Customer Service and Client Success experiences

Tue Jul 23 2024

The landscape of customer service is undergoing a transformative shift, driven by advancements in technology. Artificial Intelligence in India is at the forefront of this evolution, revolutionizing the way businesses…

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How will Blockchain will Revolutionize Ecommerce in 2023?

Tue May 9 2023

Blockchain will soon become a nightmare for all major ecommerce brands. Ecommerce brands like Amazon had for a long time reaped the double benefits of earning from both the product…

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The Future of Cybersecurity: Trends and Predictions

Tue Mar 21 2023

In today's interconnected world, cybersecurity is more important than ever before. As technology continues to advance, so do the tactics of cyber criminals. That's why it's crucial for IT companies…

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AI and IoT – a Revolution in the Business Sector

Mon Sep 12 2022

Artificial Intelligence:- Getting connected to a huge audience, adding a meaningful resource, maximizing profit, and building a trustworthy relationship with the customers are the key essentials for a business to…

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Applying AI-ML to Redefine the Way we do Business

Tue Sep 6 2022

In business, progress is not just about getting more. Adding resources to a process or to a business is how you scale that business up. True progress is getting more…

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Application of YOLO in Real Life

Tue Sep 6 2022

INTRODUCTION TO YOLO MODEL:- YOLO (You Only Look Once) is an incredibly quick object detection computer vision architecture. It was introduced in CVPR 2016. Yolo is an object detection algorithm.It…

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Definitive Ways AI and Chatbots are Transforming Digital Marketing

Wed Aug 31 2022

The world of marketing is all set for change. AI and chatbots are transforming digital marketing in unprecedented ways. This is bringing a new dawn to the industry. In the…

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Introduction to Face Mask Detection

Tue Aug 23 2022

The world is fighting with Covid19 pandemic. There are so many essential equipments needed to fight against Corona virus. One of such most essential is Face Mask. Firstly face mask…

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Application of Object Detection in Real life

Tue Aug 23 2022

Object detection is breaking into a wide scope of enterprises, with use cases extending from individual security to efficiency in the working environment. Object detection is applied in numerous territories…

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Computer Vision in Factory

Tue Aug 23 2022

Computer vision is a branch of artificial intelligence that empowers computers to see and recognize pictures, handling them as human would. Utilizing pictures from cameras and video recordings, deep learning…

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