
Category: IoT

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Eight Ways IoT Devices Save Money in Your Home

Mon May 29 2023

IntroductionThe Internet of Things (IoT) has revolutionized the way we interact with everyday objects, creating a connected world where devices communicate with each other seamlessly. While IoT offers numerous benefits,…

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IoT Landscape in India- Present and Prospect

Thu Dec 8 2022

  Forgot to turn off the geyser again, and you are on your way to the office? Chill, you better focus on the presentation due at 10. The smart sensors…

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Best Practices of Internet of Things – Part 1

Thu Dec 8 2022

Selection of Microcontroller/SoCWhen aiming for any Internet of Things (IoT) project, the first thing comes in mind is to choose a microcontroller. Microcontroller is the brain of the system. The…

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How does IoT help us deal with Water Crisis?

Mon Sep 12 2022

India is experiencing the worst water shortage. In the next 30 years, India's urbanisation rate would rise to above 60%, according to a new report by NITI Aayog, with 7%–9%…

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AI and IoT – a Revolution in the Business Sector

Mon Sep 12 2022

Artificial Intelligence:- Getting connected to a huge audience, adding a meaningful resource, maximizing profit, and building a trustworthy relationship with the customers are the key essentials for a business to…

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Future of IoT in India – An Overview

Tue Sep 6 2022

In the present tech savvy and fast-paced life, working late at night has become easier, because of the availability of Uber or Ola cabs. These cabs have come out to…

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IoT Applications in Business

Tue Aug 23 2022

Anything that can be connected will be connected with the help of IoT. It seems that every day brings a new development to IoT. Application of IoT solutions in business…

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Computer Vision in Factory

Tue Aug 23 2022

Computer vision is a branch of artificial intelligence that empowers computers to see and recognize pictures, handling them as human would. Utilizing pictures from cameras and video recordings, deep learning…

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Smart Toilets for Tomorrow

Wed Dec 5 2018

The recent Gartner report says that the world will have 30 million connected devices by 2020. Technology has made life easier for us, touching all aspects of our life. Today…

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IoT Knowledge Workshop: A Convergence of Ideas and Innovations

Mon Jul 30 2018

A full-day Knowledge workshop on the Internet of Things, organized by Department of Information Technology & Electronics, Government of West Bengal, took place at Biswa Bangla Convention Centre, Newtown in…

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