
Category: web developer

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Tips for Improving Website Performance and Loading Speed

Fri Apr 26 2024

  Web performance refers to how fast and dependable a website feels to users. It's all about speed and reliability. To enhance it, developers and site owners can tweak things…

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Exploring the Latest Trends in Web Development: What’s New in 2024

Tue Apr 23 2024

  The field of web development is always changing. So it's important for both businesses and developers to keep up with the latest trends. Looking ahead to 2024, there are…

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Why Hiring Remote Developers Makes Business Sense?

Mon Aug 22 2022

The Covid-19 pandemic has transformed the way we live and work. The pandemic caused widespread business disruptions. Those who survived were the ones who adapted to change. One thing that…

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Things You Should Consider Before Hiring A Developer in India

Thu Jul 28 2022

We live in a digitized and ultra-competitive world. As such, businesses need access to top talents for developing steller products that make a mark. The increasing demand for such developers…

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