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The world of marketing is all set for change. AI and chatbots are transforming digital marketing in unprecedented ways. This is bringing a new dawn to the industry. In the following sections, we will see the industry first through a rear-view mirror to better appreciate the scope of these changes.

Previously marketing messages used to be generic and target a large spectrum of audiences. Examples include mass mailers, billboards, TV ads, etc. However, new technologies and changing customer expectations have changed things rapidly. Concurrently, social media has made brands more accessible to customers.

Customers now expect more personal brand communication addressing their needs. If your marketing cannot do this, then you fall behind. The need to successfully address customer needs has led to the growth of digital marketing. Digital marketing helps companies send tailor-made messages.

Traditionally, businesses have relied on human intelligence to achieve the desired results. However, to send these personalized messages, companies need more information about customers. And generally, this has translated to investing long human hours in desk research.

But things are changing at an ultra-fast pace. How? Let’s see

Role of AI and Chatbot in Transforming Digital Marketing

Today smartphones, wearables, and other IoT-enabled devices are capturing enormous data. These data can help companies build newer and better customer models. And as customers spend more time on the internet, these models improve.

These models are helping AI and ML algorithms to come up with better campaign predictions. Together, AI and conversational chatbots are transforming digital marketing beyond our imagination. Here are some examples of this trend sweeping across the industry:

Personalized Product and Service Recommendations

Consider this example. You run a travel company and are conjuring ways to increase bookings for your next travel plan. You decide to send a mass mailer to all prospects. Can you guess who amongst the recipients will open the mail or go on the trip?

Those who were already planning vacations. So, wouldn’t it be better if you could send emails only to those who are planning the trip? This is what AI does for you. The AI engine scans your data and helps send personalized product and service recommendations based on customer profiles.

Therefore by altering campaign design, AI is transforming digital marketing and improving campaign ROI, revenue, and business profitability.

Targeted B2B Emails

Targeted B2B Emails

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Personalization and targeting can increase the open and click-through rates of B2B emails. Today, personalization is a must-have requirement in B2B digital marketing. After all, B2B purchases are all about understanding customer needs and preferences.

AI and ML track and analyze online customer behavior and create personal emails catering to their unique needs. Email automation can save money and time while augmenting your digital marketing efforts to achieve excellent results.


voice search

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Voice searches are on the rise globally. Digital marketers are using voice-search engines to address consumer needs and compete effectively. We need AI to decipher the casual questions people ask during voice searches. AI can influence by showing things people commonly search for in a particular place and time.

It’s a new market that isn’t as crowded as text-based search. This leaves ample ground for customers to connect and engage with brands. With further development in AI and NLP, we will see them transforming digital marketing further. And to stay at the top of the trends, you will need the guidance of a leading digital marketing company in Kolkata.


Till now, we grossly focussed on how AI is transforming digital marketing. But AI is not alone in this arena. Chatbots are also vital for a brand in this era to maintain uniform omnichannel communication. Chatbots can handle your multiple social media accounts and keep you ahead in the customer interaction game.

Further, it can crosslink data from multiple platforms to increase engagement, detect fraud, and find upselling and cross-selling opportunities. Connect with leading digital marketing companies in India to unlock everything that chatbots and AI can offer for your digital marketing.

Concluding Remarks

Presented above are examples of how AI and chatbots are transforming digital marketing. But, this is just the tip of the iceberg. The full potential of these technologies for your digital marketing efforts is beyond your wildest imagination.

To successfully ride these waves of change, you will need a leading digital marketing company in Kolkata, like Pixel solutionz, as your partner. So, are you ready to catapult your business on the growth highway? Connect now to know more.

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