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In the present tech savvy and fast-paced life, working late at night has become easier, because of the availability of Uber or Ola cabs. These cabs have come out to be a blessing by the application of Internet of Things. The IoT is basically a system of interrelated computing devices and digital machines, objects, animals or people that are provided by unique identifiers and have the ability to transfer data over a network without requiring human-to-human or human-to-computer interaction. Everyone, from consumers to businessmen, is embracing the changes brought by the revolution called the Internet of Things (IoT).

It has changed the world in more ways than we could imagine until a few years back. The changes and advancements in various domains will continue and will shape our future. A study reveals that around $6 trillion is estimated to be spent on the Internet of Things (IoT) solutions in the next five years. At present, each and every industry is impacted by it. The Internet of Things has already impacted our lives significantly.

Future trends in IoT in various domains:

  • Retail companies:

Retail companies are investing heavily in IoT as they understand the importance of data-driven analytics and also to further improve customer experience. Customers, on the other hand, are enjoying the new experiences made possible because of IoT. The popular application cases in Retail sector are as below:

  1. Use of Beacons to send notifications to the consumers about any coupon or sale.
  2. Re-inventing trial rooms using virtual and smart mirrors.
  3. Smart shirt monitors (like Heart Rate Polo Shirts) to monitor the heart and pulse rate.


  • Manufacturing industries:

The manufacturing industry is making use of smart machines to improve the overall manufacturing process and to produce better goods. Industrial automation is now a familiar term which is the use of control systems, such as computers or robots, and information technologies for handling different processes and machineries in an industry to replace a human being. It enhances quality, flexibility, efficiency and productivity. The popular application cases are as below:

  1. Application of RFID (radio frequency identification) tags with Wi-Fi infrastructure to track real-time productivity.
  2. Application of smart tools to manage manufacturing processes like measuring, drilling, tightening etc. to improve production efficiency.


  • Heath sector:

IoT is reshaping healthcare as well. Sensors are collecting data and at the same time, the data can be visible to doctors. This is helping doctors closely to monitor crucial patients from far away. The popular application cases are as below:

  1. IoT enabled clinical trial solutions to evaluate specific outcomes.
  2. Wearable devices to monitor pulse, heart, walking, biking, and other health data.
  3. Sensor-enabled mobile devices to remotely monitor patients with chronic illness.


  • Advanced internet facilities:

We are welcoming the era of 5G network which will allow the collection, management, and analysis of data in real-time. We are not far from the time when there won’t be any buffering in the internet speed and we won’t have to wait even for a minute to access information and services. As an increasingly digital-first nation, India is likely to witness a robust NB-IoT network being deployed in 2019. With the incorporation of ICT and IoT, we are heading towards the establishment of a smart city which will enhance operational efficiency, access to information, thereby uplifting the overall quality of life.

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