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Innovation cannot dodge the beginning of a pandemic; withal, it can help us in dealing with an emergency more viably. The year was 2020, and the whole world was in a terrible situation. Yes, we were hit by a pandemic of COVID 19. We all know how gravely COVID 19 affected our lives, both personal and professional. During this season of sheer vulnerabilities and constant dreads, our eagerness to adopt different technological tools, has been our lifesaver.

Let us see, what innovation and technology have meant for our lives during the pandemic.

1. Distance Learning: Around 191 nations have declared the suspension of schools and colleges, which has straightforwardly affected nearly 1.57 billion students. The majority of the institutions have started offering online classes. Technologies used in distance learning include – virtual classes, augmented reality, virtual reality, and also robot teachers with artificial intelligence.

2. Work from Home: The work from home choice has guaranteed business progression for different organizations. Web, virtual meetings, cloud conferencing, and so on, have helped experts in adjusting to the “work from home” situation easily.

3. Online Entertainment: The Lockdown has helped individuals to understand the simplicity of viewing content on OTT platforms. It has changed how people are burning through content on an everyday basis.

4. Temperature Monitoring Systems: Infrared and remote thermometers have now become the most commonly used clinical hardware everywhere, like – entry and exit doors of the office, air terminals, railway stations, shops, etc.

5. Contactless Deliveries: The online staple market saw a gigantic development during the pandemic because of the taking-off request among shoppers. This thus brought about a huge increment of new clients who are turning to online applications for basic food item conveyances.

This pandemic has taught and demonstrated to us that technology and innovation have been helping us in dealing with it in an ideal, efficient, and quiet way. An exercise gained from the COVID 19 pandemic has been to remain arranged well ahead of time against any emergency at both individual and aggregate levels.

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