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What goes into the making of a mobile app? What does it take to qualify as the best mobile development company of all times, How do they win over our minds? Is it sheer technological excellence or marketing miracle?   I asked a friend of mine (who happens to be a marketing guy) today morning. Well, honestly speaking, none of the two, he replied.


Today, we have mobile apps for all kinds of products, from automobile to finance, and from food to health care, and e-commerce. The Statista report published in late 2017 says that the top grossing mobile gaming app publishers in the Google Play Store worldwide in February were Netmarble games, Supercell and Bandai Namco entertainment with over 40 million U.S. dollars in app revenues each. Social media app publishers like LINE, Tinder and Kakao Corporation follow in close quarters. Indian startups like BYJU and GrowFit, have already made a mark.



So, what makes them great apps? I asked, yet another time. Is it the versatility of application platforms or is it the huge investment that goes into making these apps? None of the two, he repeated, with the same indifference and told me something that took me over completely.



The 2017 U.S. Mobile Apps Report states that 51% of smartphone users did not download a single mobile app (read simple mobile application) a month. Surprisingly true. About the same time, in January of 2018, Apple announced that iOS developers made $26.5 billion in 2017 – a sales increase of 30% from 2016. How did that happen? Simple. Customization rules. People want something that is appealing to their senses, something that speaks in the same language as them answers their queries before being asked. No place for plain vanilla apps!


It takes more than mere application platforms or technological interfaces to make a mobile app, my friend answered. It is the richness of user experience which gets an app kicking and to ensure that you must choose the right partner for mobile app development.




For a long time, the technical and commercial performance of the apps were taken care of by different app teams, leading to less supportive UIs or at times less user-friendly apps. But now, apps need to deliver the right user experience to keep users fully engaged.
So, how do you choose the right mobile app development company for your product? Here, we have come up with some useful guidelines for you.


  • Know Thy Customer:

Before you start looking for a mobile app company, take a hard look at your customers and ask yourself a few basic questions:


  • Who is your customer?
  • How big or small is the company?
  • How mature is the project? Is it in early stages of pre-production, ready for development or established product on other platforms?
  • What do they specialize in?
  • Where are they located?
  • How useful could the app be for the customer?

Once you have answers to all the questions, you can refine your searches for a mobile app development company. Accordingly, prepare a brief intro and match your expectations with your findings.

Define your Needs:

Business needs should be defined, in the first place, if you are looking for an ace mobile app development agency. Ask the same question, several times, to yourself. What are we aiming at? What does the client want us to achieve through the app? Is it local reach? Or expansion in terms of number? Are they targeting a niche audience? Or is it for something new in the market that everyone needs to know?


List down the business needs of your customer: localization, customization, live tracker updates, area-wise listing, latest offer updates, or seamless checkout, it may be anything or all of them. Read reviews of mobile app development companies and shortlist a few of them, before you send a proposal for engagement.


Reviews Matter:

Read reviews of mobile app development companies in Clutch, GoodFirms, Toptal, and App Futura to look up for company profiles, their portfolios, awards and, recognition, and most importantly, reviews of their past work. Also, browse tech-related news sites, to find mobile app developers with relevant experience that your specific app requires.


You may also go through user ratings or feedbacks for more candid reviews. Post questions in the comments section or fill up the online service inquiry form, stating your preferences. It saves time and makes selection simpler for you.


Local Reach or Global Footprint:

You may be creating a lifestyle app like UrbanClap for beauty service experts and professionals based in Chennai. Look for mobile app development companies that are located closer to the customer. It helps in optimizing local business. You may be developing a mobile app for a customer based in Delhi that wants to list nearest bars and wine shops (based on the user’s zip code) or find wine houses selling vintage wines. Find a mobile app developer with segment-specific experience.

If your customer is a global pizza delivery brand that wants striking features like easy menu navigation, customized order designing, and tracker notifications directly to your Android wearable, go for mobile app developers with capabilities in localized searching and customization.


In-house Designers vs. Freelancers:

Once your business needs are defined, look for mobile app development companies that have the required capabilities. You may opt for companies with profiles of freelance designers such as ELance and UpWork. Or you may look for a mobile app development company with a dedicated team of designers to develop mobile apps of enterprise scale. Pixel Solutionz, for example, one of the few companies reviewed by Clutch, has come up with brilliant mobile apps for several clients. Pixels’ works are not limited to web design development but have proven expertise in custom e-commerce website design, Android, and iOS app development. In addition, the company also offers post-launch support, at an affordable rate.


As our conversation draws an end, we agree to the demonstrated truth; well thought-marketing strategy (that combines reading customer mind, focused approach, and due diligence) lies at heart of every successful mobile app. Most companies today have a dedicated mobile app for product marketing. In fact, smaller companies or startups are way ahead of the bigger players, in this matter. So, you are better equipped to choose a vendor that fits your requirements and gives you the opportunity to work on dream mobile app project.

Keep watching this space for more exciting updates on mobile app market trends.



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