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What does it take to make a great social media profile? Honestly speaking, having a great-looking profile is of no use, if you are not maintaining it right. Just as your body needs toning and firming to look and feel good, in addition to a good diet, your brand image also needs regular monitoring and managing to grow in visitor numbers. How to Manage Your Brand on Social Media? We answer, in simpler ways.


With an average attention span of 8 seconds and more than 250 million stories created daily, companies need to work on redefining their social media profiles to stay afloat. Here, we suggest five different strategies for helping you better manage, grow and scale on social media.



Choose the Right Social Media Platform:
Sprout Social Q2 2016 Index discovered that 34.5% of consumers prefer to connect to customer service agents via social media. Choosing the right social media platforms for your brand is the first and foremost thing that matters.


Facebook: Extremely popular among young adults, this is a place you can promote almost all kinds of brands. Individual brands, especially healthcare, learning resources, and academic training are more commonly promoted on Facebook.
Instagram: If you own a furnishing or home décor brand, and want to reach out to young adults, Hispanics, and African Americans, Instagram is a great option for you to promote your brand as a retailer.
Pinterest: It is a very popular social network to reach women, especially for brands selling jewelry, clothing or lifestyle. Pinterest is a place where you can promote your products simply through pictures. So, if you are a fashion boutique owner or a manufacturer of beauty products, you may showcase your brand to reach likeminded users, who would explore, buy and also recommend your products to friends and family.
Twitter: Twitter, on the other hand, is a place where you can initiate short crisp conversations among users to promote your product. Since Twitter’s age demographic skews toward younger crowds with college or university degree, fashion wear, accessories or gadgets for younger ages may be focused upon. However, as per the Sprout Social demographics, nearly 79% of Twitter accounts located outside of the US, making it a tough choice for geo-targeting.
LinkedIn: With more than 467 million registered members and 133 million users coming from the US, alone, LinkedIn is the best choice for promoting your brand in the corporate arena. You can promote business-related content and connect with other corporate influencers to create an impact. If you are operating a B2B company, then LinkedIn is the ideal social media platform for you.



Define your Social Media Profile: You are how you define yourself to be. In social media, your brand profile defines the face of your brand. Treat your bio like an elevator pitch. Describe your business in one or two sentences. Make sure the profile bio is well crafted, appealing, and original. Here we offer some interesting insights:


  • Choose your Twitter Handle carefully. It defines how people mention you and is essentially your “ID” on the platform, while some others may use your business name. Choose a Twitter handle that is short, easy to remember, without any symbol or number and of course, not already in use.
  • Your Instagram bio should reflect your business and your network goals. With 150 characters, you do not have much choice to elaborate. Keep it short and simple.
  • Both Facebook and LinkedIn profiles give you enough space to define yourself as a brand, but remember brevity is the key in social media. Having a short description of your brand, product/services, and a brief history will do. Let the pictures and regular updates do the rest.

Maintain your brand on social media:
Posting relevant content on a regular basis is the key to successful social media management. The best brands post every alternate day. Sometimes they schedule topic-specific posts on Monday or Friday for higher impact. Isolated posts without any follow-up posts, fail to create an impact. Low attention spans combined with rapidly growing social networks have made publishing more important than ever.


Publish relevant content. If you own a job search portal, you may post articles or discussions on job trends, interview tips or discussions on a particular field. Post content on latest shopping trends, hot colors of the season, celebrity interview clippings, skin care hacks, if you are into a beauty products business. Match your content standards with those of your competitors.



Leverage Influencers: Publishing content or posting regular updates on social media platforms is only effective when it gets noticed. While bigger brands may be noticed for every single media update (from an industry insight post to a product launch), smaller brands fail to leave an impact with daily postings. Leverage influencers to reach the intended users. They are the ones who can share your posts for maximum impact.


Mention influencer names or cite their websites in your content pieces. Influencers with Google Alerts or other notifications set up on their names can see your content once it is published. You may also tag influencers you have referenced when sharing content to your social media profiles.


But make sure that the influencers you work with clearly disclose that they are being compensated for promoting your brand. It is as simple as putting #ad or #sponsored in their post. Also, you should always email influencers after you have published your content to let them know they have been referenced in your work.


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