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IoT Applications in Business

Tue Aug 23 2022

Anything that can be connected will be connected with the help of IoT. It seems that every day brings a new development to IoT. Application of IoT solutions in business has revolutionized the entire sector. The term IoT summarizes the essence of the breakthrough technology with precision. An IoT platform is a multi-layer technology that enables straightforward provisioning, management, and automation of connected devices within the Internet of Things universe. It basically connects your hardware, however diverse, to the cloud by using flexible connectivity options, enterprise-grade security mechanisms, and broad data processing powers. IoT bridges all devices including home appliances, software, electronics and other gadgets by facilitating in exchange of information. It has invaded various industries by creating connected automobiles, smart homes, smart hospitals and smarter industries. One of the greatest IoT solutions is water automation process. In this process, the use of water is regulated automatically, which reduces the wastage of water. Yes, now we can regulate wastage of water as it offers us smart water management solutions to deal with water crisis in India. It helps in judicious use of water. The installation of IoT based level sensors, i.e. ‘Cierra Fully Automatic Pump Controller’, deployed across the reservoirs and overhead tanks have proved to be effective water management solutions at home and offices. The sensors identify the maximum and minimum level of water according to the capacity of the water tank. On reaching the maximum and minimum water holding capacity of the tank, the water pump is automatically switched on or off, respectively. The automatic pump starts every time the water level reaches half of the total water content in the reservoir. This helps in conservation and management of water. Another IoT solution is the development of smart home appliances. It includes voice command control, smart locks, etc. It helps you to control your home with the help of an app. The idea of adding sensors to basic objects has made our life easy and comfortable. A particular time can be set when different home appliances will get switched off. In order to reduce wastage of electricity, with the help of this app each and every appliance turns off automatically when a person leaves home. IoT is making the world smarter by connecting the physical with the digital.

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