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If you want your business to remain relevant in a fast-evolving market, you must readily adapt to the latest marketing trends. Or risk losing business!

As one of the best digital marketing agencies in Kolkata, PixelSolutionz understands the significance of staying on top of marketing trends. So, how can you do that?Well, with technological evolution, consumer behavior and interests evolve too. And, your marketing strategies should keep up or they will fail.

What trends should digital marketing companies in Kolkata follow in 2021?

This year will follow two broad marketing strategies—humanization of content geared towards individuals and real issues, and stress on technical optimisation of SEO, campaign structure, etc.

According to PixelSolutionz, top digital marketing services in Kolkata, here are the top 8 trends for 2021.

1. Focus on UX

A top digital marketing company in Kolkata will pay attention to page rankings in 2021 through UX or user experience. As SERPs retain the importance of load time, interactivity, and the stability of content, the emphasis of digital marketing services should be on off-page and technical SEO strategies.

2. Semantic Search

The semantics of search will dominate whereby the search engine algorithms will try to provide intent and contextual meaning to random search queries. Therefore, digital marketing in Kolkata should focus on people-optimized content that answers questions, has a structured flow and material rather than simple keyword stuffing.

3. PPC Advertising will pay better

Highly efficient and targeted pay-per-click advertising or PPC will be a significant trend in 2021. Automation technology and Responsive Search Ads or RSAs will increase campaign efficiency.

4. Embracing the visual

As visual searches increase, a digital marketing agency in Kolkata can capitalize on it by structuring its image and video SEO campaigns. Include alt text in your image descriptions and use target SEO keywords.

5. Adopt Artificial Intelligence

AI helps to analyze consumer behavior and search patterns. It is increasingly taking over many services and is pervasive in new software. Using AI can accelerate growth in conversions through accurate predictions and larger data collection.

6. Using Social Messaging

This is where people are spending time and the best digital marketing company in Kolkata will strategize to market products and services where the potential customers are. A natural transition from live chat boxes.

7. Browser Push Notifications

As push notifications become more personalized and sophisticated, they make better conversions. They can even include images and CTAs for better sales leads.

Digital marketing firms in Kolkata can consider these trends to give businesses an edge over the competition. PixelSolutionz firmly believes in tuning strategies to exploit the market potential at best. If you’re a business owner looking to find out how to leverage these trends to grow your business this year, our team can guide you. Get in touch with us to create your 2022 marketing plan today!

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