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You may want to sell products, gain subscribers, persuade followers and read the minds of readers to your cause. But you must create an impression on their minds, in the first place. Social media is the best way to achieve this. Recent research from Econsultancy reveals that nearly 71 percent of brands plan to invest largely in social media to grow in the number of followers and build brand reputation.

Here, we discuss some of the popular strategies for brand building on social media.


  1. Target the right platform for success:

Know your product and know your people. Reach out to the right people at the right places. Twitter, for example, may be great for sharing industry updates related to your brand, while Facebook gives you the scope for reaching out to your target user groups.

If you are into lifestyle or retail, Instagram is the best place for your brand to thrive. It is here that you can share or post pictures of your products, connect with other similar brands, editors, and of course, prospective clients.

If you want to operate a business-to-business company, LinkedIn is strongly recommended for promoting business-related content and connecting with other corporate influencers.


  1. Focus on building a brand voice:

Create and share posts, images, videos and textual content that speak of the brand, makes it stand out in the crowd. Be diligent when it comes to choosing images and content. Make sure that whatever you post on social media is goes with the style and imagery of your brand. You must consider social media content as an advertising tool kit and maintain uniformity across all platforms.


  1. Be regular on postings:

Make sure you post regularly on all the social media platforms. If it is Instagram, post twice a day at least. Post daily once or twice on Facebook. Share the same content across various groups and communities and grow the number of followers. Twitter postings can be made as often as possible. But if you are posting any news updates related to your brand, make sure it is not more than three times a day.

Linked postings can be made a daily affair. Reserve special postings for Mondays and Fridays, when LinkedIn has the maximum number of users going through the posts.



  1. Pay attention to visually appealing content:

All your posts must be visually appealing, irrespective the social media platform you choose for a promotion. The images should be good, clear, and meaningful. Crop them nicely as and when required and use the right filter for posting. A beautiful image is worth a thousand words.

You can make use of photo editing apps like Snapped to make your feeds look more coherent, polished, and professional.


  1. Create unique hashtags:

It is a common practice to use a large number of hashtags in postings, most of them being unrelated or irrelevant and producing zero impact. Use a few good hashtags that describe your product or service. Research well to come up with unique hashtags to create the maximum impact.


  1. Leverage influencers for more visibility:

Lastly, though the most important of all, is to connect and leverage influencers on the social network. Your brand will be an unknown brand if you simply keep on posting without any references. Post quality content and also leverage the audiences’ influencer by mentioning their names or citing website URLs. You may also tag influencers you have referenced in your content. However, inform them by dropping a mail, after you have published the content.


Here we have listed the top six strategies for success. There are many more ways to try out. Let us know your mantra for success.

Comment below.







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