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Mobile app development is on the rise. The reason is quite simple. With the increased proliferation of mobiles, the device today is ubiquitous. They define our lives. They are no longer just about calling or keeping in touch. Instead, they take care of everything, including meal booking, entertainment, moving places, staying updated, etc. 

Mobile phones are disrupting and will continue to disrupt business operations over the coming years. To put things into perspective, let’s consider some statistics.

Today, 6.64 billion people have a smartphone. In other words, about 83.37% of the global populace are smartphone owners, and the number of users rose by 49.89% during 2017-2022. Most importantly, people regularly spend about 3-5 hours on their devices.  

This presents a massive opportunity for businesses to capitalize. A chance that apps can easily harness. Thus, businesses today need a mobile app for sustenance. The app would help them connect with customers and take them to new heights. 

Outsourcing Mobile App Development: Defining the Process

But mobile app development is easier said than done. You need a team of experts for the job. But hiring a dedicated team of in-house developers is time-consuming and costly. Thus, the best alternative is to outsource the process of developing mobile apps. 

In the following sections, we have laid down the details of this process threadbare. Throughout this discussion you will learn everything about outsourcing, including its definition, benefits, and the way to choose the best partner. So, let’s dive in. 

If you hire a different company to develop your app, it is called outsourcing. Businesses adopt different outsourcing models including nearshore and offshore. In offshore outsourcing, the partner is located in a foreign country. Most businesses in the developed nations of Canada and USA, outsource using the offshore model. 

For instance, when businesses outsource to a mobile app development company in India, they can save both time and money. But besides time and money, there are other benefits for businesses too through outsourcing. Let’s explore-

Benefits of Outsourcing Mobile App Development

As you outsource and hire a third party to offer app development services, here are the benefits you can avail. 

Fast and Affordable 

Outsourcing mobile app development to a third-party agency helps save time and cost. Recruiting and building your in-house team is a time taking process. The process can take months. It evaluates candidates based on personality traits, behavior, work ethics, etc.

On the other hand, outsourcing is a simpler and one time process. After finding a reliable partner, there is no need to spend energy searching or recruiting the right candidate. Instead, the agency takes care of the entire thing, and simplifies the process. 

One-Stop Solution

One Stop solutions

A mobile app development company comes across as a one-stop solution for all your needs. They take care of analyzing and creating specification, UX/UI design, digital marketing, front and back-end development, and other related services. 

High-Quality Products

Third-party agencies have top-quality developers. Therefore, by outsourcing to these companies, you let the top developers develop apps for you-resulting in high-quality products. 

Increase Focus on Core-Competencies

By leaving the task of app development to an outsourced mobile app development company, you can increase your focus on core competencies. This results in a better outcome for your business. 

Process of Outsourcing Mobile App Development

Once you are ready to outsource, you decide to search for the perfect agency. However, even before outsourcing, list the KPIs on which you will evaluate the agency. Now do a simple Google search to populate a list of mobile app development companies. 

Sort the list based on reviews and customer recommendations. Ask the shortlisted companies for past work samples. Once you select a company, ask from them a work sample. And now based on performance, select them for a longer-term contract. 

Final Words

Mobile app development is in demand owing to the power these devices wield over the market. While developing these apps in-house is costly and time-consuming, outsourcing seems to be the answer. Outsourcing offers several other benefits as discussed in the above paragraphs.

The process starts with a simple Google search and requires critical evaluation of third-party partners. Connect with us to know more. 

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