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We live in a digitized and ultra-competitive world. As such, businesses need access to top talents for developing steller products that make a mark. The increasing demand for such developers has led to the growth of a number of software, mobile, and web development companies in India. With so many options available, it can be quite a daunting task to find and hire a developer in India that can successfully address your needs. 

If this statement sounds counterintuitive consider this. India is globally recognized as the house of top developers. Software engineers and developers from India now hold several important positions in software industries across the world. Everyone knows the likes of Sundar Pichai, Satya Nadela, Arvind Krishna, etc. are known to everyone. As such finding the best web developers in India might seem to be a cakewalk.

Things to Consider Before Hiring Developers

 But that is where the problem lies. With so many talented developers around, how do you select the right one for your company? Do not worry. We have done the hard task and compiled everything that you should know and follow to hire a developer in India. 

 So, let’s jump in

 Hire a web developer India

Things to consider


Many startups and established companies offer you development services in similar technologies. As such the first differentiating factor that you can apply to select the best mobile app developer in India is experience. It is best to work with a company that has a good amount of experience under its belt. You can easily get access to this information on their website or Linkedin page.

Technical expertise

The technical expertise of the developers is an equally important factor to consider while hiring a developer in India. You should always work with a company that has developers having experience in different technology verticals. Such a company can be the ideal choice to develop the perfect product for you.

Check portfolio

How can you know that the selected developer has past experience in developing software/ mobile app/ web pages for your industry type? By checking their portfolio. The portfolio is the window that can help you understand the type of projects that a company has handled in the past. This will give you a brief idea about their ability to develop a custom solution for you as well. So, before hiring a developer in India, don’t forget to check the project portfolio section.

Consider reviews 

Before buying a product or service for the first time, you invariably check for its rating or review on Google or other platforms. Similarly, before hiring a developer in India, you should take some time out to check their clientele and the reviews they have received for past works.

There are several websites that can help you in this quest like Yelp, Trust Pilot, Google, and Facebook. You can also consider reaching out to past clients to verify the claims posted by the developer you are going to hire.

We, know that the steps seem daunting. But this much trouble is digestible since your quest is to find the best web and mobile app developer in India. That’s not all. You should also consider factors like after-sales service,  customer-friendliness of the company, and development cost before hiring a developer in India.

Once, you have selected the ideal company, you should take time to discuss the project scope, deliverables, and costs beforehand so as to avoid issues at a later stage. Still, having doubts? Connect with us at Pixel Solutionz to know more.


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