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What Makes a Killer Website?

Thu Sep 1 2022

What does it take to make a great website? Five things, to be precise: appearance, usability, content, feature functionality, and standards compliance. A website must be visually appealing, with stunning content, and impeccable user features.

My experience of working with web designers has taught me that the best websites are a product of innovative thought. Copying from a great-looking website will not earn you any rewards. Borrowed ideas are of no use unless implemented in the right manner. So, learn from others, but apply your own resources. Focus on your own offerings; highlight on your uniqueness in terms of product features and your ability to read the user’s mind.

Here, I have brought to light the top five things on a killer website.

Watch out for White Space:

White space is something, which we all want to leave out. But ironically, that is what most users want to see. In other words, a string of words put against a beautiful design, and plenty of white space around, steals the show. Having white space on the webpage creates a sense of visual comfort and breathing space for the users. A classic example of effective white space utilization is Google. It allows us to start searching on a blank slate, unlike other search engines, which are cluttered with content all over.

Therefore, it is imperative to strategically utilize white space throughout your site to highlight the key elements of each page and make the content more appealing. Squarespace and Medium other examples of websites which utilize white space intelligently.

Responsive Design:

The idea behind responsive designs is to create a single version of a website that auto-adjusts to display properly on all devices. Responsive content and design can be viewed from any screen, including handheld devices, smartphones, e-readers, and computers. Simple stuff like a well-positioned search tool, a visibly large slider tool, makes a lot of difference. Your website may promote a well-known fashion accessories brand, or you may be working on a website for an online education hub. The display may be smaller, as on a mobile phone, but the content should be readable. Test your designs time and again, to check for visual appeal and correctness, before they go live.

Content that Conquers:

I have seen websites that win with fewer words. The content should be crisp, candid, and meaningful. The user may be looking for study tables. Your website content should be informative and precise. The user wants to know about the product, the available variations, and similar products. No need to brag about your company or how good your resources are. You may, of course, other similar products, and remember to choose the tags, carefully.

Easy Navigation:

When was the last time you were late for an office function and was expecting the cab driver to take the shortest route ever? And how, he took the longest route, despite your repeated requests. Yes, the same happens to users when they land on an e-commerce site. Having filtering options or advanced searches is good. But, what if you have a website with fewer images and texts, allowing you to navigate better? Have a few prominent tabs that take you to the specific pages.

Aim at capturing the user’s attention in 3 seconds. Take a look at the Pixel Solutionz website. You will love the brilliant designs, easy navigability, and delightful graphics.

Listen to them Talking:
Despite having a terrific design, and optimal functionality speed, most websites fail because they overlook what the users are saying. Your website is not just a series of pictures or a never-ending barrage of texts. Take note of what the users are saying. Create a comments section, have a ready feedback form, and a discussion forum, where the users can post their views and share opinions.


If you are running an e-commerce website, it is advisable to cite a few well-known quotations from positive customer reviews. You may also include a few special deals, coupon codes or promotion. These things inspire users to take the next step and purchase your product.


Care to share some thoughts? I would love to know your views on web designs.

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